Forex Data API: Things You Didn’t Know
Explore some fascinating actualities about the forex API origin and its applications in blockchain technology and the forex market you might not know.
Get real-time and historical forex data for 4000+ currency pairs, all in one robust powerful API.
Trusted by top companies & institutions. Read our customer stories
Empowering your vision with seamless market data
Intuitive & easy-to-use APIs
Real-time quotes
Access live bid and ask rates directly through our APIs. Keep your applications updated with the latest market prices to make informed trading decisions.
Data APIs
Access real-time and historical forex prices via low-latency WebSocket and REST APIs. Power your apps, financial analysis tools, or algorithmic systems for optimal performance.
Enhance Google Sheets, Excel, and ChatGPT with our Forex data add-ins. Pull real-time and historical currency data into your preferred tools effortlessly.
Candlestick bars
Retrieve candlestick data at minute, hour, and daily intervals with Open, High, Low, and Close values, ideal for technical analysis and historical data tracking in financial applications.
Currency conversion
Integrate real-time currency conversion into your applications and websites. Our APIs provide wide-ranging endpoints for multi-currency data retrieval.
We provide bespoke data and technology solutions to help customers integrate our data into their platforms. If you don't find what you are looking for, talk to our team of experts.
Made for developers by developers
import tradermade as tm
# set api key
#get live data
tm.live(currency='EURUSD,GBPUSD',fields=['bid', 'mid', 'ask'])
# get historical data
tm.historical(currency='EURUSD,GBPUSD', date='2021-04-22',interval='daily', fields=['open', 'high', 'low','close'])
# get hourly timeseries data
tm.timeseries(currency='EURUSD', start='2024-11-25-00:00',end='2024-11-26-15:03',interval='hourly',fields=['open', 'high', 'low','close'])
# gets list of all available cfds
# gets list of all available currency codes
import (
tradermade "github.com/tradermade/Go-SDK/rest"
func main() {
// init client
client := tradermade.NewRESTClient("YOUR_API_KEY")
// set parameters
currencyPairs := []string{"EURUSD", "GBPUSD", "USDJPY"}
// get live rates
liveRates, err := client.GetLiveRates(currencyPairs)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error fetching live rates: %v", err)
// iterate over quotes
for _, quote := range liveRates.Quotes {
fmt.Printf("Base: %s, Quote: %s, Bid: %f, Ask: %f, Mid: %f",
quote.BaseCurrency, quote.QuoteCurrency, quote.Bid, quote.Ask, quote.Mid)
package io.tradermade.test_client_jvm
import io.tradermade.test_client_jvm.ui.theme.TestClientJVMTheme
import io.tradermade.kotlin.sdk.TraderMadeAPI
public class JavaTMSSample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
val api = TraderMadeAPI("YOUR_API_KEY")
val liveData = api.getLiveData("EURUSD,GBPUSD")
val historicalData = api.getHistoricalData("EURUSD", "2023-08-01")
val timeSeriesData = api.getTimeSeriesData("EURUSD", "2023-08-01", "2023-08-10", "daily", "1")
val convertedAmount = api.convertCurrency("EUR", "USD", 1000.0)
Who uses our forex API?
Our data APIs is easy to use, fast, and reliable, so you can spend less time worrying about data and more time building your app.
What people say
One of the bedrocks of Fuze is good financial data and TraderMade is tailor made for our use-case. The flexibility of the API to fetch prices for different FX pairs, the robustness and availability of the API has never failed us.
As 3S Money has grown, our need for reliable data sources has also increased. Working with TraderMade has improved our FX operations. The API seamlessly integrates into our platform, providing real-time, accurate market data to support our activities.
Our data is sourced from an aggregated feed of institutional providers including banks. We have systems in place to clean our data so that they represent the most accurate prices.
Both Web and streaming API are updated in milliseconds.
There are over 8000+ instruments to choose from, a full list of instruments can be found on the instrument list page.
Gold, Silver, Platinum are included in FX subscription options.
You can access your API key from your dashboard once you signup and log in. It's free to signup. You can easily track your API usage. For streaming data API key, start a trial by self serve once you log in. The streaming API key expires in 14 days.
Yes, this works on a rolling monthly basis which can be upgraded, downgraded or cancelled at any time. Up to 1000 requests a month are free forever. We also offer one-time data sales please contact us or purchase via shopping cart.
Our payment partner is Stripe, you can use a variety of debit and credit cards - including Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express & Diner’s Club.
Yes, we provide Forex data via WebSocket, You can self start a 14 day trial from your dashboard once you signup.
There is no centralized location for forex trading, yet it works 24 hours, 5 days a week. However, due to time zone differences, the forex market opens at 5 PM EST (New York City) on Sunday (9 PM GMT, Sunday).
The forex market closes at 4 PM EST (New York City) on Friday (8 PM GMT, Friday)
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Explore some fascinating actualities about the forex API origin and its applications in blockchain technology and the forex market you might not know.
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A step by step guide to make the best Forex Trading App: 1) Pick a Platform · 2) Mobile-friendly Design · 3) Forex Data API · 4) Development · 5) ... and SDK